TSS Balls of Steel

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TSS Balls of Steel
Production Information
Ship Class
General Information
Status Information
Home Reality

The TSS Balls of Steel was one of the spacecraft in the Bouncy-Fleet.

History[edit | edit source]

The TSS Balls of Steel was one of ten Boing-class spaceships in the Bouncy-Fleet that were commissioned by the Terugan government to serve as Ipomal's foremost defense.[1] At some point, Kulnak took command of the Bouncy-Fleet and led them in an attack on the Seacons, inflicting extreme damage upon several spacecraft including the Seacons' ship. Snaptrap and the rest of the crew of the Seacons' ship were presumed killed in the attack.[2]

In 150,084 CMT, the Bouncy-Fleet allied themselves with the Terugan Resistance in the Terugan Civil War and launched an attack on the ZFT stronghold of Retorian City. During the battle, the ZFT-commandeered TSS Bouncy-Ball fired explosive ping-pong balls that ricocheted between the TSS Balls of Steel and the TSS Bounce-Bounce Revolution, exploding and dealing critical damage to both ships.[3]

References[edit | edit source]

  1. Bouncy-Fleet (revision on 23:04, Feb 25, 2015): "The Bouncy-Fleet is a ten-strong fleet of Boing-class ships commissioned by the Terugan government to serve as Ipomal's foremost defence. At some point, Kulnak gained control of it, and led them in an attack on a fleet of Seacon ships in deep space. The Seacons were obliterated and Snaptrap was presumed dead by the end of the battle."
  2. Kulnak (revision on 19:05, Dec 04, 2011): "[Kulnak] appeared in command of the Bouncy-Fleet where he severely damaged a lot of ships and possibly killed Snaptrap and the other crew of the Seacon ship."
  3. BZPB #17460 (Feb 25, 2015)