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A standard Great Pakari (left) next to a Pakari Nuva (right)
Mask of Strength
Enhanced Strength
 Known Universes 

The Kanohi Pakari is the Kanohi Mask of Strength.

Description[edit | edit source]

Great and Noble Pakari multiply the bearer's strength by an unknown factor when activated, allowing them to perform feats of strength that they otherwise could not.[1]

History[edit | edit source]

In 150,082 CMT, Blade mentioned a Pakari as an example of how Kanohi Nuva are more useful than standard Kanohi. Blade told Xeno that if one normal Great Pakari was not enough to move something, a Pakari Nuva would allow the bearer to share the Pakari's power with his teammates, thus multiplying their strength in order to solve the problem.[2]

Bearers[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]

  1. Background information from BS01 that is also assumed to be canon in BZPB
  2. BZPB #7182 (Jan 26, 2012)
  3. BZPB #1705 (Jan 30, 2011)
  4. Tales of the Makuta Anima | Chapter 15

External Links[edit | edit source]