Long Shortman
Long Shortman | |
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Titles |
Prime Minister Takemikazuchi Empire
Species |
Human Spacenoid
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Long Shortman is the Prime Minister of the Takemikazuchi Empire, and the second most powerful individual in the Empire after the Emperor, Sefer Yetzirah.
Biography[edit | edit source]
Appearance[edit | edit source]
Shortman is an attractive African-American man, with a slim build. He is bald.
Personality[edit | edit source]
Shortman is determined and ambitious. Shortman has a great deal of respect for Emperor Yetzirah but in no way fears her, and often challenges her on legislation and ideas; this has earned him her cautious respect. Ultimately, though, Shortman is loyal to the Empire and has its best interests at heart - even if his ideas on how to achieve those interests often differ from Sefer's. Unlike Sefer, however, Shortman is still constrained by his limitations as a politician; he cares very much about public opinion and elections, and his attempts to mold Sefer into a more politically-savvy individual are often met with great hostility by her.
History[edit | edit source]
Early Life[edit | edit source]
Born in 42 BR, Much of Shortman's early life was spent under the rule of Akari Shingen, Sefer's adoptive father. As a child he was very interested in sports, and in his teenage years he entered college with a basketball scholarship, becoming famous locally for his sporting achievements. However, he later became disenchanted with the idea of a sports career, and eventually decided to pursue politics, graduating with a degree in the law. In 22 BR, as a member of the Takemikazuchi Republican Party, he became governor of his home colony, and two years later became parliamentary representative for the entire colony cluster, with a seat in the Imperial Parliament.
Succession Crisis[edit | edit source]
When Akari Shingen's sole successor died in 17 BR, Shortman found himself at the forefront of the bipartisan Republican movement to overthrow the Emperor and increase the powers of the Prime Minister, allowing them to rule in their stead. While the crisis never devolved into violence, many of Shortman's fellow party members were arrested for stockpiling arms and recruiting mercenaries. Shortman himself was vocally critical of these actions, reaffirming that the issue had to be resolved peacefully. It was, with Emperor Shingen's adoption of Sefer as his daughter, and Shortman came out in full support of this action, calling for a return to peace and order within the Empire. These actions earned him the respect and support of both the imperial administration, and the public, though ostracized him from his fellow politicians. The Republican Party had previously been considering him as their Prime Ministerial candidate; these plans were immediately scrapped.
Later Career[edit | edit source]
By 15 BR, Shortman had left the Republican Party and joined the Social Democrat Party. He climbed in rank within the Party, which had been in power since the previous election, which went disastrously for the Republicans as a result of public backlash over the succession crisis. In 7 BR he became Deputy Prime Minister of the Takemikazuchi Empire. Four years later, after Emperor Sefer had increased the powers of the Prime Minister to what the Republican party had previously demanded, he was elected to that position.
Relationships[edit | edit source]
Sefer Yetzirah[edit | edit source]
Shortman has a great deal of respect for Sefer, due to the immense burden she has shouldered at such a young age, and in the face of heavy criticism, which he feels partly responsible for as a result of his role in the succession crisis. In addition, Shortman greatly admires Sefer for what she has been able to accomplish during her reign. However, he is not afraid to challenge her, especially on matters of internal politics, which are his specialty. Shortman is on friendly terms with Sefer.
Trivia[edit | edit source]
- Long Shortman's appearance is that of actor Mahershala Ali, best known for playing the character Remy Danton on House of Cards. Shortman shares some elements with characters from, and is generally inspired by, House of Cards.
- Long Shortman is also based on a character with the same name who appeared in the RPG Fight la Fight.