Yun & Zax

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Yun & Zax
Female (Yun)
Male (Zax)
Yon (ancestor)
A flintlock pistol
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In the far future, Yun & Zax were two Terugan outlaws.

History[edit | edit source]

One day, Yun and Zax found their way to a pocket dimension, "The Place That Wasn't There Yesterday". There, they ordered some drinks from the bar and sat down, though Zax knew full well that he had no money on him. They were approached by Barsu, a drunk Metalliconite who offered them help, without even knowing who they were. However, this offer may just come in handy, because the two Terugans were pointed out by Blue as not having paid for their drinks. The manager, Sanya, was furious and cast a ring of fire around the two to stop them from escaping, telling them that they could leave if they fight Blue, as all three were annoying her. Not happy with the situation, Zax instead pulled out his flintlock pistol and aimed it at several people in the room, demanding that he walk free.

Still holding Yun hostage, Zax backed away to the door and walked out of it. However, because the bar was still travelling through interdimensional space at the time, the two fell through into the vortex and ended up landing on an unknown planet face-first. Luckily for them, the part of the planet they landed on appeared to be made out of a jelly-like substance. Not so luckily for them, the Heliospear had also landed on the planet, carrying an angry pirate who sought to reclaim something Zax took from him.

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • Yun and Zax are actually direct descendants of the infamous Yon.
  • Their names were decided as a result of a winning poll on the BZPB Facebook page.