Trixitin (OU)

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The subject of this article appeared in content that was lost in the Great Dataclysm or subsequent server crashes. However, the events of those posts and stories are still considered canon and should be added regardless. Add what you remember!
Protosteel Chain-Mace
Whoever Ynot or Blade tells him
 Home Reality 

Trixitin is a member of the Makuta Anima. He controls the Element of Plant Life, wears a Kanohi Krast, and is the team's Magic specialist. He is usually a reserved Makuta, speaking only when spoken to, but when engauged in open conversation on terms he is comfortable with, he will gladly speak without restriction.

Accomplishments[edit | edit source]

  • Trixitin has collaborated with Vultran in the creation of a device.
  • Trixitin has created a spell that sets its target off on an uncontrollable rage, increasing their strength, stamina, endurance, and energy twenty fold. The target of this spell will destroy everything in their path, no matter who or what it is. It's name is so horrible that it can only be spoken in kanji.

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • Trixitin is the only member of the Makuta Anima who has no last name.

Makuta Anima
- Original Universe -
Main Members YnotSasukenHokagetsuAsumaruTrixitinKurenitsu
Honorary Members CiceroShikaXenoToa Idiotas (BladeShaernSoniaSredaKamiKazeVultran)