The Zivon (SMU)

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The Zivon
Zivon (unique being)
 Home Reality 

The Zivon of the Shattered Mirror Universe participated in the Battle of Destral.

History[edit | edit source]

The Zivon participated in the Battle of Destral on the behalf of SMY. During the battle, SM Trantoshen used his Kanohi Komau to force a Tahtorak to attack the Zivon, but SMT was crushed in the process.[1]

References[edit | edit source]

  1. Trantoshen (SMU) (revision on 11:25, Dec 19, 2011): "SMT then ended up being dragged into the path of a raging Tahtorak. He used a Komau to force the Tahtorak to attack a Zivon, but was crushed in the process and recovered by Spiriah."