The Destroyers

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The Destroyers
Status Information
Home Reality

The Destroyers were a team of Users who participated in the early days of BZPB. The events in which they participated were retconned as a simulation performed by the Users to test how combat would work in BZPB.

History[edit | edit source]

Before the creation of the BZPB Multiverse, an unknown User formed The Destroyers and signed up to participate in a combat simulation created by the Architect that would later go on to become BZPB.

In the Beginning, the respective leaders of the Legion Makuta and Blitzkrieg Boyz, the Architect and User Zev, decided to form an alliance against The Destroyers and Team ToaLewa31. However, The Destroyers were soon removed from the game for having less than the minimum required membership count. This could have been because one or more of its members decided to drop out before or during their battle against the Legion Makuta and Blitzkrieg Boyz.[1]

References[edit | edit source]

  1. Beginning (arc) (revision on 10:32, Jun 20, 2012): "Once Blackout had mutated and brainwashed Zev Raregroove, their teams (Legion Makuta and Blitzkrieg Boyz/Conquistadores) allied against The Destroyers and Team ToaLewa31. After The Destroyers were removed for having less than the minimum amount of members required by the rules, the Legion Makuta/Blitzkrieg Boyz alliance turned on ToaLewa31 and invaded their base."