Supermax 282 (OU)
Supermax 282 is a space prison somewhere in the Original Universe, and part of the Supermax line of prisons. Unlike Supermax 429, its existence is public knowledge, and it holds criminals who alone do not pose a significant threat to the rest of the universe.
For whatever reason, Supermax 282 contains a high concentration of ambient HahaJ'UsT-Seying energy, which would explain why so many of its inhabitants are joke characters.
Something unique about this prison is that some of the actual cells inside are made of stone instead of metal, and resemble tiny dungeons. This design change was requested by the previous warden, Lemongrab, as a condition for taking the job. (However, the cell doors on Cell Block D are still made of adamantium.) The interior of the prison is regularly patrolled by armed guards, who are authorized by the warden to extend the prison sentences of any intruders and wannabe escapees that they find. Funnily enough, some of the guards hired by the warden were, and are legally still, judges so they can do this. Also within the central compound of the prison is a Supreme Court run by a judge.
History[edit | edit source]
Seran Dol-Abi, Mortimer Moloch, Doug Walker, Amasiv Bedge, Linkara and Paul Latza were all apprehended by Toa Komerak of the Platinum Lantern Corp and delivered to this prison. It only took them the better half of a day to come up with an elaborate escape plan and break out of the prison. This breakout was highly publicized, and was one of the reasons Akoran Zicks started to lose faith in the Galactic Government.
Immediately after the collapse of the GG, the President of Earth asked Captain Eurobeat, Strika, Niflheim and Leviathan to go to Supermax 282 and break out some prisoners that would help them find and kill Mazkertis. The group ended up killing the warden, Lemongrab, and freeing every prisoner on Cell Block D, inadvertently allowing them back into the universe. Agent 47, Seeldier, Chad, and The Joker were among the prisoners that escaped, though only the former two ended up joining Captain Eurobeat's alliance.
Inhabitants[edit | edit source]
Staff[edit | edit source]
- Amobb Banks (Warden)
- A judge
- Javert (Guard)
- Lemongrab (Warden, deceased)
- Car Guard (Guard, quit)
Prisoners[edit | edit source]
Name | Prisoner Number | Species | Citizenship | Reason for Arrest | Status |
Alexander Combes | Unknown | Human | Earth | Leaving Earth without a visa | Escaped |
"Agent 47" | 299 | Human (clone) | Earth | Murder | Escaped |
Amasiv Bedge | Unknown | Human | The Stouttish Islands | Unknown | Escaped |
Boris Johnson | Unknown | Human | Earth | Unknown | Escaped |
Chad | Unknown | Human | Unknown | Unknown | Escaped |
Doug Walker | Unknown | Human | Earth | Fraud and misappropriation of government property | Escaped |
Harold | Unknown | Human | Earth | Performing illegal experiments on interdimensional aliens | Escaped |
JC Denton | Unknown | Human (clone) | Unknown | Unknown | Escaped |
"The Joker" | 384 | Human | Unknown | Unknown | Escaped |
Koranis | Unknown | Spherus Magnan ("Glatorian") | Unknown | Devastating a village on a GG-protected planet | Escaped |
Leonid Pavel | Unknown | Human | Earth | Unknown | Escaped |
Louis Lovhaug ("Linkara") | Unknown | Human | Earth | Misappropriation of government property | Escaped |
Mikhail "Heavy Weapons Guy" | Unknown | Human | Earth | Fraud, more specifically conning several e-celebs out of their money | Escaped |
Mortimer Moloch | Unknown | Human | Unknown | Faking his identity in order to obtain classified information | Escaped |
Noah Antwiler ("Spoony") | 246501 | Human | Earth | Supplying drugs to Merasmus | Escaped |
Paul Latza | Unknown | Human | Earth | Breaking into the home of a celebrity | Escaped |
Seeldier | 533 | Human (clone) | Earth | Unknown | Escaped |
Seran Dol-Abi | Unknown | Human | Tatooine | Attempting to escape from a Platinum Lantern with two wanted criminals | Escaped |
Spanha | Unknown | Quasimorph | Splapp | Unknown | Escaped |