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- 553's twin
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- A. LeMao
- AE86
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- Acid Tunnellers
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- Ade Jitter
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- Advanced Dal (SMU)
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- Aedana Star Cluster
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- Aeturnus' army
- Aeturnus's army
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- Akaku: Master of Air
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- Akzer (OU)
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- Aleph point
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- Alex (SMU)
- Alex (disambiguation)
- Alex (ghoul)
- Alex Combes
- Alex Combes (OU)
- Alex Jones
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- Alfred Pennyworth
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- Alghikk Micros
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- Aluic-5
- Aluic System
- Aluic system
- Aluren
- Aluren Drathir
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- Amelia (UW)
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- Amy (OU)
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- Andhurasitali
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- Andromeda Galaxy (OU)
- Andromeda Hotel & Casino
- Anduruna
- Andy Anvil
- Angel Bob
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- Angel Commands
- Angeloid
- Angeloid Alpha
- Angeloid Beta
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- Angeloid Gamma
- Angeloid Lambda
- Angeloids
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- Anna (disambiguation)
- Anna Abernathy
- Anna Raregroove
- Annihilan
- Antberry
- Anten Seven
- Antimatter beam
- Antroz
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- Anubis
- Anubis (OU)
- Anzu
- Anzu (DUST)
- Aperture Science
- Aphelandra
- Apple juice
- Apprentice of Caiaphus
- Apprentices of Caiaphus
- Aqua Magna
- Aqua Magna (OU)
- Aquilla Torque
- Aradia Megido
- Aravagantos
- Arazu
- Arbatum Excellent Neutral Lucia XII
- Arc Azon
- Arc Blair
- Arc Isha
- Arc Jeriko
- Arc Keylana
- Arc Plutus
- Arc Zabaton
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- Archives (SMU)
- Archon-7
- Archyura
- Arcturus core
- Area 51
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- Aries (being)
- Aries (disambiguation)
- Aries (spirit)
- Arimasu
- Arizal Yetzirah
- Arkhite
- Armitage
- Armor-piercing heat gun
- Armor-piercing heat guns
- Armor Fabrication Unit
- Armour-piercing heat gun
- Armour Fabrication Unit
- Arrancar
- Arrow N40
- Artakha
- Artakha (DMU being)
- Artakha (OU being)
- Artakha (being)
- Artakha (disambiguation)
- Artakha (location)
- Artemis Crock
- Artisan Picora
- Artrix
- Artrix (OU)
- Artrix (RBU)
- Artroe
- Arty
- Asabana
- Ascension (Arc)
- Ascension (arc)
- Aselia
- Asharajaki
- Ashcroft
- Asled
- Asmodeus
- Assassins Sans Frontieres
- Assassins Sans Frontieres (OU)
- Assault Shadow
- Assault Shadow (OU)
- Aster
- Aster (OU)
- Aster (RBU)
- Astraea
- Astrid Farnsworth
- Astrotrain
- Asuka (disambiguation)
- Asuka Langley Soryu (DMU)
- Asumaru
- Asumaru (OU)
- Asved
- Atero
- Athara
- Athena von Almaz
- Atlantis
- Atlantis (OU city-ship)
- Atlantis (SMU city-ship)
- Atlantis (city-ship)
- Atlantis (continent)
- Atlantis (disambiguation)
- Atlas 'Archon' Tactical Combat Knife
- Atmos
- Atomsk
- Atraxi
- Atrocitus
- Atteka
- Atuar Sadiares
- Atuar Sadiares (OU)
- Atza
- Atzend
- Aunt Widow
- Avohkii
- Axalara T9
- Axel (disambiguation)
- Axel F
- Axel Storm
- Axiom Nexus
- Axl Low
- Axonn (DMU)
- Aye
- Ayy-Lmalium
- Ayy-Lmaliums
- Azta
- Azura
- Azusa Glory
- BZPB: Future
- BZPB: Heat the Soul
- BZPB: Malignant
- BZPB: Resurgence
- BZPB: Revised Edition
- BZPB (disambiguation)
- BZPB Epics
- BZPB Multiverse
- BZPB Multiverse (disambiguation)
- BZPB Reborn
- BZPB epics
- BZPB multiverse
- BZPB stories
- BZPower
- Baal
- Babbling Fool
- Backdoor to the Manhole
- Badass Crew
- Badgermole
- Ball
- Balthazar
- Balthazar (OU)
- Balujinji the Massive
- Banded Rod
- Bander
- Banders
- Bane
- Baneman
- Banhammer
- Banhammers
- Bara Magna
- Barnax
- Barolm
- Baron Alfred Ernst von Budberg
- Baron Alfred Ernst von Budberg (OU)
- Baron von Budberg
- Barricade
- Barricade (OU)
- Barricade (RBU)
- Barricade (SMU)
- Barry
- Barry (disambiguation)
- Barry B. Benson (DMU)
- Bartholomew Kuma
- Bashir
- Basilisk
- Basilisk war droid
- Bask-Baou
- Bass
- Bast
- Bast (OU)
- Bastet
- Batcave
- Batcave (disambiguation)
- Baterra
- Batgirl
- Batman
- Battle against SM Tuma's mercenary team
- Battle at the Coliseum (DMU)
- Battle between Ryoko and Hina
- Battle for the Frozen Throne
- Battle of Alaine
- Battle of Conquistadores v. Apprentices of Caiaphus
- Battle of Conquistadores vs. Apprentices of Caiaphus
- Battle of Corrantia
- Battle of Darkmount
- Battle of Datrio
- Battle of Destral
- Battle of Destral (OU)