See-Man | |
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Species |
Human (clone)
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Family |
"Cousin": Demopan
Allies | |
Factions |
The Dong Squad
Status |
Home Reality |
- "SEE!"
- ―See-Man
See-Man was an anomalous clone from the Stouttish Islands who was known for his unexplained ability to "see" almost anything in the known universe. He spent several years living on the Stouttish Islands with Yon before BONES recruited them both into the Dong Squad, a Cooperative-sponsored strike team whose mission was to collect artifacts of power to prevent a prophesized apocalyptic event known as the "HAPPENING". See-Man used his powers to help navigate the Dong Squad through their missions until his apparent death at the hands of Tommy Wiseau.
Description[edit | edit source]
See-Man was an anomalous clone of a one-eyed black Scottish human man who lived on Earth many years ago. Like various other clones from the same batch, See-Man was created with several defects that included anomalous abilities, such as the powers to "see" almost anything in the known universe, fire beams of destructive energy out of his mouth, and manipulate the size of his hands. These abilities seemingly came at the cost of See-Man's communication skills: aside from the word "SEE!" and some simple sentences, See-Man found it difficult to create dialogue of his own that was not spoken by his clone template at some point in that man's life.[1]
Often underestimated due to his simple speech and demeanor, See-Man was in fact one of the most powerful members of the Dong Squad and proved to be vital in locating some of the artifacts that the Dong Squad needed to prevent the "HAPPENING". See-Man's sheer strength also made him a fearsome opponent. He loved meeting other one-eyed beings such as Yon and was almost always seen with an exaggerated smile on his face.[1]
History[edit | edit source]
Early Life[edit | edit source]
See-Man was created on one of the various Earths that existed in the Original Universe as part of an unknown initiative that also resulted in the creation of FAAAK-Cupcake, Pootisman, Seeldier, and countless other anomalous clones. Unlike the successful clones, an unknown error occurred in the creation of See-Man that gifted him with the ability to alter the size of his own body parts at will, to fire beams of energy out of his mouth, and to "see" anything in the entire universe; but these powers came at the cost of his verbal communication skills save for the word "SEE!". See-Man was deemed to be a failed clone and was disposed of by being jettisoned into space along with many of the other failed clones. See-Man was one of the clones who came to live on the Stouttish Islands in the years that followed.[1]
Battle against Mondas[edit | edit source]
In 150,082 CMT, Yon stole Mocax's ship and flew it out of Chocoman's base in an attempt to escape from the characters User Kon had grouped him with.[2] At the same time, See-Man appeared above Yon and shouted "SEE!" at him.[3] This was followed by the appearance of Mondas, who decided to attack Yon because he was losing his own battle against Chocoman and wanted to kill at least one person before he returned to his domicile.[4] See-Man warned Yon about Mondas with a "SEE!",[5] but Yon was busy trying to navigate the controls of his new ship. Yon pulled See-Man into the cockpit and asked him for help,[6] so See-Man pointed at a button on the ship's control panel[7] and showed Yon that Mondas was seeping through miniature gaps in the ship's hull.[8] Yon followed See-Man's lead and pressed the button he was pointing at, which caused the ship to fire cutting beams into the center of Mondas's form.[9] This split Mondas into two halves, but both halves retained full autonomy[10] and entered the ship. Mondas then reformed himself and fired shockwaves and electric blasts at See-Man.[11]
See-Man was hurt by Mondas's attacks, but healed himself by eating a health pack and enlarged his fist to punch Mondas.[12] Unfortunately, his fist passed harmlessly through Mondas's gaseous form.[13] Yon then heard someone say "pootis" and asked See-Man to investigate the source of the noise,[14] so See-Man jumped out of the ship[15] and discovered that the source was Pootisman.[16] Pootisman recognized See-Man and joined the fight against Mondas by firing at him with a chaingun.[17] See-Man followed up by firing his See-Beam at Mondas,[18] which caused the titan to turn and flee.[19] See-Man celebrated his victory with an enthusiastic "SEE!"[20] and returned to the ship, where he met Dr. Hax, who had also been drawn to Yon through unknown circumstances.[21]
Stouttish Shenanigans[edit | edit source]
See-Man next appeared with Yon, Pootisman, and Dr. Hax in the Fresh Prince of Fresh Fruit's house on the Stouttish Islands[22] and had a tea party without the prince. Yon got drunk and fell asleep,[23] so See-Man poked him in the eye.[24] This hurt Yon,[25] but Dr. Hax used the power of "unhax" to remove the pain.[26] See-Man then downed some Scottish ale[27] and laughed hysterically at the fact that Dr. Hax thought that the application of daylight savings time was an attempt to hack time.[28][29] Dr. Hax responded by poking See-Man in the eye,[30] but this incident was overshadowed by the return of the Fresh Prince, who was shocked to find See-Man and the others in his home.[31] See-Man ran and hid behind Yon,[32] only for the Hand to spring from a cupboard behind him, land on his head,[33] and steal his eyepatch.[34] See-Man tried to punch the Hand,[35] but the Hand formed itself into a fist, causing the two entities to accidentally "fistbump".[36] This amused See-Man so much that he forgave the Hand.[37]
When Yon realized that his birthday was approaching, he handed out invites to See-Man, the Hand, Dr. Hax, and Full-man.[38][39] See-Man then directed Yon to a post office so that he could send the rest of his invites out.[40]
The Battle of Fresh Fruit[edit | edit source]
Later, the ZFT member Shockwave and the X-Yen appeared on the Stouttish Islands. Shockwave ordered the X-Yen to attack the islands' inhabitants so that he could observe their combat abilities, which led to a battle that became known as the Battle of Fresh Fruit. Cyc blasted down the door to TFPOFF's house,[41] so See-Man sent him flying with a punch[42] that threw him into a car. Storm then summoned lightning and fired it at See-Man,[43] so See-Man rolled out of its path and jumped up in the air in an attempt to punch Storm.[44] However, Storm dodged his punch and hit him with another lightning blast[45] that caused him to fall to the ground.[46] With See-Man out of the way, Storm summoned an intense lightning bolt that struck TFPOFF's house and set it on fire,[47] but See-Man recovered just in time to escape the inferno.[48]
Wolverine then charged at See-Man.[49] See-Man tried to punch him with a giant fist,[50] but Wolverine dodged it and continued to charge,[51] so See-Man fled[52] and jumped into Pumkin's house to enlist his help against the attacking mutants.[53] Inside, Demopan identified See-Man as his "old cuz" (due to the fact that they shared the same clone template) and asked him what was wrong,[54] so See-Man explained that the Stouttish Islands were under attack.[55] The moment Demopan offered his assistance,[56] See-Man charged back into battle with his giant fists raised towards Shockwave.[57] Shockwave noticed See-Man and raised a fist of his own to punch him,[58] but See-Man mistook this as a friendly gesture and hesitated. This proved to be a mistake, as Shockwave's fist then collided with his jaw and sent him flying.[59]
Deciding that he had learned all he needed to learn of the X-Yen's combat abilities, Shockwave opened a portal and left with the X-Yen.[60] Afterwards, See-Man noticed Yon stumble out of the remains of TFPOFF's house[61] and exclaimed "SEE!" upon seeing him alive.[62]
More Stouttish Shenanigans[edit | edit source]
Later, See-Man woke up[63] next to Yon in a bed in Demopan's house. Yon screamed and jumped out when he realized he was in bed with See-Man,[64] but when someone even more frightening (Mr. Blobby) appeared,[65] Yon jumped back into the bed with See-Man to hide from the polka-dotted monster. Demopan entered and explained that he had carried Yon back to his home when Yon fainted, and told Yon that he was still on the Stouttish Islands,[66] which See-Man proved by pointing at the landscape beyond the bedroom window. Caged Pills then entered[67] and asked See-Man to give him some pills: See-Man did so, but Caged Pills was unsatisfied because the pack of pills was too small.[68] See-Man then offered to trade a pan with Demopan for two bottles of scrumpy,[69] which gave the pan enthusiast an idea. He filled the pan with scrumpy and placed it over a lit stove,[70] but he knocked the rest of the scrumpy onto the floor and slipped on it before he could complete his recipe.[71] See-Man took advantage of Demopan's clumsiness by rushing over to lick the scrumpy off the floor.[72]
In 150,083 CMT, Merasmus made See-Man and Caged Pills clean the floor of his mansion. See-Man noticed the Bombinomicon and nervously pointed it out to Caged Pills.[73]
Later, when See-Man walked into McYonalds and saw the Hand groping one of the kitchen grills, he took a picture of the incident and burst into Merasmus's mansion to show it to him. Horrified, Merasmus immediately teleported to McYonalds to ask the Hand to leave.[74]
The Birth of the Dong Squad[edit | edit source]
In 150,084 CMT, See-Man walked into McYonalds and found One-Punch Man there after opening hours. See-Man pointed to the restaurant's "Closed" sign and shouted "SEE!" in an attempt to tell One-Punch Man that McYonalds was closed.[75] However, One-Punch Man did not seem to care, so See-Man persisted and even took the sign off the door in an attempt to get through to him.[76] When Pumkin, BONES, and a group of Ayy-Lmaliums entered the restaurant and requested soldiers for an unsaid purpose, See-Man watched as the Shell-Shocked Cat, No Image Guy, and One-Punch Man signed up.[77][78] Curious, See-Man followed them to Merasmus's mansion, where Pumkin, BONES, the LGAMs, the Shell-Shocked Cat, No Image Guy, and One-Punch Man joined with Merasmus, Demopan, Ainsley Harriott, Shrek, Billy Mays, and the Hand. See-Man then realized why BONES and the LGAMs had come to the Stouttish Islands: to form a crack team of joke characters to prevent some sort of impending apocalypse. At that moment, See-Man counted himself in.[79]
When Ainsley wondered aloud how they were going to leave the Stouttish Islands, See-Man pointed to the horizon and mimicked the flight of a spaceship with his hand in an attempt to explain that they would leave via BONES's ship.[79] Ross Mandell and Soldier were then added to the team,[80] but it remained without a vital component: its intended leader, Yon. At BONES's request, See-Man saw where Yon was going to appear on the Stouttish Islands and pointed to the spot on BONES's map. After the Hand pointed towards the location itself, See-Man picked up the Hand and left with it to meet Yon.[81] Once the team had arrived at Yon's location, BONES had Pumkin take the drunk Terugan to their new ship via a super-jump while the others walked.[82] Meanwhile, Jesse Ventura and Randolph Moloch appeared and were also drafted into the team.[83]
See-Man and his new teammates were then beamed aboard the ship and named the Dong Squad. After BONES briefed the members of the Dong Squad on their new purpose, they were each taken to their personal quarters to rest.[83]
Mission One: Attack on Ipomal[edit | edit source]
Twelve hours later, the Dong Squad were briefed on their first mission: to locate Vok, the president of Teruga Prime, steal his Travel Glove, and kill him but make his death look like an assassination by the ZFT. To achieve this, the Dong Squad would be dropped into one of Teruga Prime's ammonia oceans and enter an underwater tunnel to the city of Ipomal, which was home to the Spire of Conquest; a tall building that Vok was believed to live underneath. Furthermore, See-Man and his teammates were all put into special spaghetti suits that would protect them from the freezing temperatures of the ammonia ocean and fitted with microchips that allowed telepathic communication between them. When BONES finished briefing his team, the Dong Squad's ship dropped out of warp above the skies of Teruga Prime and began to descend.[84]
The Dongers made their way to the ship's hangar and climbed inside Pumkin, whose thick exterior would shield them from both the impact of the drop and the poisonous ammonia in the sea. Pumkin dropped out of the Dongers' ship and landed in the ammonia sea as planned,[84] then swam into the tunnel that connected to Ipomal. When Pumkin emerged onto the surface of the tunnel, See-Man and his comrades climbed out[85] and followed Yon through the tunnel into Ipomal.[86]
See-Man was one of the few Dongers who could see clearly in Ipomal at that time because the city had since entered night shift. Because of this, Yon instructed See-Man to telepathically share his enhanced view of Ipomal with the other members of the team to provide them with better vision. See-Man obeyed and shared his vision with his teammates when he saw a ZFT patrol leave the central prison, so that the other Dongers could also see their targets. On Yon's orders, Billy Mays and Demopan left to eliminate the patrol while See-Man and the others moved towards the prison, which had only one guard stationed outside its entrance. See-Man helped to deal with the guard by flinging the Hand onto his face - the Hand caused the guard to fall down a flight of stairs and finished him off with his own pistol.[87]
The Dong Squad then broke into the prison and launched a full-scale assault on its guards in order to clear a path to Vok.[87] See-Man, Yon, Pumkin, Jesse Ventura, and Ross Mandell broke off from the other Dongers to approach Vok while the rest dealt with the remaining guards. At Yon's suggestion, See-Man laid an enlarged hand on Vok's head and shared a vision with the Terugan president that explained to him why he had to die: to prevent the "HAPPENING" as See-Man saw it.[88] The Dong Squad then retrieved a captive ZFT soldier, Jeff, and had No Image Guy manipulate his visor interface to make it appear as if David Robert Jones was ordering him to shoot Vok. Ventura sent out a broadcast that informed the Terugan populace that the ZFT had assassinated their president just as See-Man watched Jeff shoot and kill Vok.[89]
Elsewhere, Demopan used the Travel Glove to plant meatball bombs in strategic locations around the bottom of the Spire while See-Man and the others worked on their escape. As Billy Mays volunteered to stay behind to trigger the bombs, the other Dongers followed Merasmus's plan to escape up an elevator shaft with Pumkin. See-Man and the others (minus Mays) climbed into Pumkin, whose jump up the elevator shaft was boosted by Merasmus's and Randolph's magic, which propelled them all up the Spire. Pumkin smashed through a door to a much higher floor near the top of the shaft and released the Dongers upon the unfortunate ZFT troopers there. See-Man threw the Hand at some troopers and stared others into submission by "seeing" into their souls.[89]
One-Punch Man then punched a large hole in the wall which the Dong Squad's ship flew beside to extract the team through. See-Man and his teammates climbed through the hole and onto the ship, but Demopan decided to try to rescue Billy Mays with the Travel Glove instead. Demopan used the Travel Glove to fly to Mays and extract the cancer cells from his body, saving Mays's life at the cost of his own. Demopan then placed the Travel Glove on Mays's hand so that Mays could use it to fly to the Dong Squad's ship and save himself. Mays followed Demopan's instructions and made it back to the ship alive, but Demopan was unable to escape the subsequent explosion of the Spire of Conquest. See-Man and his teammates celebrated their victory over the ZFT, but mourned for the loss of Demopan.[89]
Mission Two: Madness of the Mask[edit | edit source]
Lord Zrintch's assistant, Gangly Gus, informed the Dong Squad that their next mission would be to find and recover the Mask of Loki.[90] In order to find the Mask, See-Man was made to point towards it so that the LGAMs could align their ship's flight with the exact direction of his finger to create an accurate flight path to the Mask's location.[91] While See-Man served as the ship's navigator, he noticed a large amount of ambient magic leave a planet they passed by as a result of Malygos's Ascension.[92]
See-Man later met with the rest of the ship's crew for lunch and retrieved the file that the crew had on the Mask so that Yon could brief the Dongers on its abilities. Afterwards, See-Man returned to his role of navigator on the bridge and continued to point towards the Mask's location.[93]
The Dong Squad's ship dropped out of hyperspace when it came within a certain distance of Meme World, but the ship's power was drained by some of the strange energies in the realm and crashed into its surface.[94] Once the Dong Squad had ensured that the rest of their crew had survived the crash, they left onto the surface of Meme World to investigate their new surroundings. See-Man noticed what looked like a human-sized rabbit hole in the ground near the ship and pointed down it in an attempt to tell the Dong Squad that the Mask was located somewhere beneath the hole.[95] The Dongers took it in turns to slide down the hole and found themselves falling into what looked like a lounge room owned by none other than Tommy Wiseau, who welcomed them all to his domain.[96]
Wiseau then trapped See-Man and the others in the world of The Room, which Wiseau was able to create through his connection with the Mask. This reality distortion blinded See-Man to the outside world while Wiseau continued to play through the events of The Room as his fictional character in the movie.[97] Randolph figured that the Dong Squad could manipulate the world of The Room to gain an audience with Wiseau by replacing the staff of the local flower shop,[98] but Wiseau saw through their ruse and teleported them to a volcanic chamber to fight them.[99] In the battle that followed, Wiseau knocked out all the members of the Dong Squad save for See-Man, Yon, BONES, Shrek, and the Hand. See-Man tried to punch Wiseau's steed, but Wiseau blocked his attack with an energy shield that repelled See-Man into the ground. Just when all hope seemed lost, reinforcements arrived in the form of King Harkinian, Sasha, the Reddit Alien and LeTrole Rusemann.[100] See-Man cheered on these reinforcements,[101] but they were left behind when See-Man, Yon, BONES, Shrek, and the Hand were teleported into another reality distortion that resembled the Earth city of San Francisco as it appeared in The Room. Wiseau then gunned down Shrek with what looked like a cartoon tommy gun with a face, prompting See-Man to grab the Hand and run for cover.[102]
See-Man used the enhanced strength of an enlarged hand to flip a car to shield himself and the Hand from Wiseau's bullets while he came up with a plan. He then realized that he could use the Hand to disable Wiseau's tommy gun by posing the Hand's fore and middle fingers in a "V"-shape and launching it at the gun. The Hand's fingers landed in the eye sockets of the gun's face, which caused the face to scream and disappear, temporarily disarming Wiseau. While Wiseau was distracted, See-Man charged at him and punched him through a series of chairs that weren't there before. Emboldened by his victory, See-Man charged again, but proved to be a fatal mistake. Because Wiseau had anticipated a second attack, he used See-Man's momentum against him to grab him and fling him into the horizon.[103] The telepathic link between See-Man and Yon was then severed, implying that See-Man had been killed.[104]
Funeral for the Fallen Dongers[edit | edit source]
Once Wiseau had been defeated and the surviving Dongers returned to the surface, word soon spread about the deaths of See-Man, Yon, Shrek, and the Hand. The Ayy-Lmaliums prepared a funeral for the fallen Dongers that was attended by many inhabitants of Meme World who came to pay their respects. Because the fallen Dongers' bodies could not be recovered for the funeral, they were each represented by empty coffins. Once the attendees had finished paying their respects, these coffins were loaded back onto the Dongers' ship.[105]
Big Man Tyrone later broadcasted a separate message to the Dong Squad's ship to express his condolences for the death of See-Man, but encouraged them to continue their fight, especially now that they had obtained the Mask of Loki.[106]
Abilities & Powers[edit | edit source]
- All-Sight: See-Man could instantly locate anything in the universe that he inhabits (and possibly even beyond), but his limited speech made it difficult to convey this information to others.[1]
- Hand Size Manipulation: See-Man could manipulate the mass of his own hands to greatly increase their size for offensive or defensive purposes.[1]
- See-Beam: See-Man could fire a "See-Beam", which was an intense blast of a nondescript destructive energy, out of his mouth as an offensive measure.[18]