Rider-Vrai Wars (OU)
The Rider-Vrai Wars were a series of conflicts between the empires of the Dachori (better known as the "Riders") and the Vrai. Two of the conflicts escalated into massive wars, which cost trillions of credits and caused tremendous bloodshed on both sides. Other than the aforementioned empires, other factions, such as the Council of the Great Beings, played an external role.
First Rider-Vrai War[edit | edit source]
The First-Rider Vrai War began in Year 500, when the Vrai empire to clashed with the Riders. It lasted about 20 years, with vast death tolls on either side. The Great Beings supplied the Vrai empire with military aid (though the Vrai would betray them a century later). The Vrai tactically stole technology from the Riders during the war, quickly matching their capability. They then used their ingenuity to surpass the Dachori, forcing them into their home galaxy.
The war ended with a peace treaty that redrew the Dachori's astro-borders and limited the purview of any future conquests, among other provisions. As long as the Riders abided by their treaty obligations, they would not face the might of the Vrai or Books LLC, a dangerous but benevolent force from Earth. The Dachori army was shattered by war, and its government was near ruin. After over 20,000 years, the Dachori were able to reorganize their society. The new regime, often called the "Second Dachori Empire," was far more fanatical and strategic, leading to a series of conquests that spanned across galaxies. The Vrai had spent all those years focused on other endeavors, such as the Vrai War; they were too distracted to enforce the treaty, and most of them were too young to care. By 20,520, it was already too late, and the Riders had once again become an imperial power.
Sometime later, a series of scattered skirmishes occurred between Vrai forces and Dachori forces, but no official war would be declared for decades.
Second Rider-Vrai War[edit | edit source]
The Second Rider-Vrai War began in Year 20,580. It would last about 13,000 years, resulting in innumerable costs and casualties. Countless people on both sides lived and died knowing only war. Due to the Second Dachori Empire's boom in trade and military capability following recent conquests and diplomatic ties, they were able to become a match for the Vrai once more. No clear victor would be known until Year 33,580, when the Great Beings, Books LLC, and other factions intervened, helping them stem the tide. Other developments followed, and eventually, the Rider forces were crushed and scattered. The remaining soldiers were enslaved, and planets that had formerly been under their control either aligned with the Great Beings, became subjects of the Vrai Empire, or formed their own governments.
The Dachori Empires were lost to history. Only a few families kept control of their remaining wealth, preferring to forget millennia of wars and achievements. Centuries later, one Dachori slave would be recruited into the service of Great Beings, setting into motion his plan to restore his people to greatness once more.