Prevaius Dahrk (RBU)
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Prevaius Dahrk | |
Titles | |
Formal Name |
Lamak Dahrk Fen-Prabayyuus[1]
Aliases | Prevaius Dahrk; Fulcanelli; Heretic |
Species | |
Gender |
Age |
Unknown, likely thousands of years
Date of Birth |
Unknown, likely thousands of years ago
Birthplace |
Homeworld |
Family | |
Allies |
Klak Vell, Arc Caiaphus; Arc Blair (tenuous)
Enemies | |
Factions | |
Status |
Alive, Scattered Sentience
Home Reality |
“ | Oh my dearest Kanos Jai. Oh Arc Blair, and the Arcs before me...let your hands guide me as I augment your fulfill them. | ” |
—Prevaius Dahrk, BZPB: Resurgence #252 |
Prevaius Dahrk is a Yuzari scientist who has used his towering scientific intellect for eons to achieve his secret endgame. Once a Kanos Jai devotee, he was cast out as a heretic and then joined the Rider Empire, who would later betray him. Millennia later, he now occupies the mind of Klak Vell, guiding him down a dark path.
Biography[edit | edit source]
Appearance[edit | edit source]
Prevaius has long brown hair, dark brown eyes, and pronounced cheekbones. He often wears purple clothing in his various incarnations, including purple robes and suits. However, after The Shattering, he started to appear wearing black suits.
Personality[edit | edit source]
Prevaius is extremely conceited, especially due to his achievements in science and alchemy. He is also incredibly deceitful, constantly twisting the truth to bring others to his sway. Even when he appeared to be innocent and eager in his time serving the Dachori Empire, he had an ulterior motive. He attempts to portray himself as a helper to both Klak and Aster, but often reveals his true abominable self to his daughter Vekhta and his rival Blackout.
Moreover, Prevaius is scatter-brained, a trait worsened by the fact that he split his essence in various fragments.
History[edit | edit source]
Early Life[edit | edit source]
Eons ago--or so he claims--Prevaius was born as Lamak Dahrk Fen-Prabayyus to the Dahrk clan of the Yuzari on an unknown world. However, he has some memories of being Lithan or even something older centuries before (this is likely due to him scattering his conscious throughout time and space). Nevertheless, Prevaius recalls being raised as a Yuzari. He demonstrated an aptitude for science from an early age, and eventually used these talents during the Kanos Jai crusades. At some point, he reached adulthood and began to unconventionally to use his locative name--Prabayyus--instead of his descriptive name.
Dachori Empire[edit | edit source]
“ Do not forget that it is by the Imperator’s grace that someone like you is allowed here. The gods have given you a great talent. It would be a shame to waste it on a corpse ” —Minister Volasinia di Espira, BZPB Resurgence #252
For a still-yet unknown reason, Prabayyus was cast out of the Kanos Jai and labelled a heretic. Regardless, he maintained a loyalty to the movement and considered himself a secret devotee. He sought refuge in the Dachori Empire around the 1750s BR, where the Riders relied on his scientific genius to advance their society and help their military grow in might. Furthermore, he changed his name to Prevaius Dahrk. Eventually, the Emperor named him Senior Researcher of the Ministerium Scientificos, where Prevaius helped the Dachori understand the Reborn Universe's Aleph Point more. He also pioneered research into time travel and cloning.
During his time at the Ministerium, Prevaius developed a friendship with Imperator Dachorus Acastius Verilius Jumano il Podromo, so much so that the Emperor invited him to his castle on the planet Tular Va'al, and to a battlefield on the planet Yg-Dyspo.
But despite Prevaius' friendship with Acastius, the Riders later betrayed the Yuzari and accused him of assassinating the Emperor. The Dachori Justiciars subsequently sentenced him to death around 1700 BR. Although a multispecies team of conscripts loyal to the Dachori Empire attempted to liberate him from his prison on Tular Re'l, it is unknown whether they were successful.
However, Prevaius anticipated the Empire's betrayal. He secretly cloned himself and put pieces of his essence in crystals that he scattered across time and space. All of these "selves" would upload their memories to a "uni-mind", the true location of his soul. As such, he made it more difficult for the Dachori--or anyone else for that matter--to truly kill him.
Eons Later[edit | edit source]
Earth, 20th Century AD[edit | edit source]
At some point in time, a Prevaius clone somehow made his way to Earth. Here, he established himself as the alchemist Fulcanelli, where he researched and taught alchemy to a group of students.
Fathering a Child[edit | edit source]
The FSA-New Order War[edit | edit source]
Abilities & Powers[edit | edit source]
- Multiple Variants - Millennia ago, Prevaius cloned himself. He also put pieces of his essence in crystals that he then scattered across time and space. As such, he has lived through various points in history in multiple bodies. And when any of the fragments landed in sentient beings, Prevaius would present himself and influence them to carry out his orders, all while he "cohabitates" with their minds. All of Prevaius' selves upload their memories to his "uni-mind", the true location of his soul. Thus, Prevaius is difficult to kill as he has many copies of himself scattered across the galaxy. However, this also makes him prone to memory loss, as his memories are uploaded out of order and sometimes mix with those of any beings he "cohabitates" with.
- Antipsychic powers - Like all Yuzari, Prevaius possesses the ability to change the inherent nature of any psychic energy in her proximity, effectively turning those powers back on their users. This is likely how he is able to manifest himself in the minds of other people who have never interacted with him.
- Genius Intellect - Prevaius was recognized multiple times throughout the ages and across the cosmos for his scientific genius. His inventions and discoveries helped the Dachori empire reach its military zenith. He also conducted research into the chronal particles that make up the time-stream as well as universal features such as the Aleph Point.
Trivia[edit | edit source]
- Prevaius Dahrk's name is (subconsciously) inspired by "Pariah Dark" from the Danny Phantom series and Damien Darhk from DC Comics and the Arrowverse.
- Various elements of Prevaius' character are partially inspired by Kang the Conqueror from Marvel Comics and the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
- Prevaius is similar to multiple BZPB characters in that he is a wandering immortal with a shadowy past who possesses the ability to "body-hop".
- ↑ Yuzari naming conventions generally follow a pattern of 'Given Name' - 'Family/Clan Name' - 'Descriptive Name (2nd Given Name)' - 'Locative Name'. Additionally, Yuzari will generally only refer to one another by their descriptive name, with the first being reserved for intimate/family relationships. However, given Prevaius' nebulous origins, his name may be entirely fabricated.