Motrokh (RBU)

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Two club-like weapons
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In the Reborn Universe, Motrokh is a member of the Fellowship of Kakamu who was recruited by Arc Keylana to locate Kakamu following his disappearance on Nil'nara.

Description[edit | edit source]

Described by Arc Keylana as "[Voorak-Kah]'s crony", Motrokh is the only purely organic member of the Fellowship of Kakamu. Motrokh has a mostly humanoid appearance, with the exception of two heads that are both heavily decorated with blue, white, and red face paint. Motrokh wears a set of technological armor that is also colored blue, white, and red, and wields two large club-like weapons.[1]

History[edit | edit source]

In 7 AR, Motrokh and their partner-in-crime Voorak-Kah were recruited by Arc Keylana along with a sophisticated android named Muta to track down the missing Arc Kakamu, who had mysteriously vanished without a trace following an assignment on Nil'nara. Calling themselves the "Fellowship of Kakamu", the trio investigated and discovered a network of ancient portal devices abandoned by a precusor civilization that allowed them to instantly travel between numerous planets across the galaxy.[2] After spending weeks exploring the portal network, the Fellowship finally located Kakamu next to one of the portal devices in Alcanta Valley, Malchior IV.[1] The Fellowship subdued Kakamu[3] and delivered him to Arc Keylana, who then explained to him who the Fellowship were and what had transpired in his absence, adding that the Fellowship would be accompanying him on a mission to kill the former Arc Vekhta.[2]

References[edit | edit source]