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F-Klak's army
    Yellow Lantern Corps
 Home Reality 
"In blackest day, in brightest night, beware your fears made into light. Let those who try to stop what's wrong, burn like my power--F-Klak's might!"

In the far future of the Original Universe, Memnon was a soldier in F-Klak's army who was promoted to the status of Yellow Lantern.

History[edit | edit source]

A Dark Vision[edit | edit source]

In 150,080 CMT, D-Klak had a vision of Memnon, Agga, and Peptis that was induced by close proximity to the Keruvim. At the time, he was aboard the Ironclad, which was in the atmosphere of Vizima. He stated their names, but did not seem to do it of his own free will, indicating that he had little control over this vision. Other than the names of F-Klak's soldiers, it is unknown what else this vision revealed to him, if anything.[1]

Far Future[edit | edit source]

In the far future, in an unspecified point of the universe, F-Klak and Striborg gathered Memnon, Agga, and Peptis, three of F-Klak's best soldiers. F-Klak told the three soldiers that, due to their loyalty to him, each of them would be made a Dark Lantern and could choose which of the Dark Lantern Corps to join. When it was Memnon's turn to speak, he/she recited the Yellow Lantern oath, so F-Klak enrolled him/her in the Yellow Lantern Corps.[2]

References[edit | edit source]