Dominion (OU)
The Dominion is the name given to a vast, multicultural empire founded and led by Malygos. Built on the ruins of worlds and civilizations wrecked by centuries of conflict, the Dominion quickly grew into an immensely powerful intergalactic empire, bolstered by Malygos's effective, determined leadership.
The Dominion[edit | edit source]
Emperor [edit | edit source]
Government[edit | edit source]
The majority of the Government is popularly elected, with the notable exception of Emperor Malygos, who has ruled since the Dominion's founding and will presumably rule until their death, or the collapse of the Dominion. Certain imperial officials are appointed personally by Malygos, though the senate can overturn any such appointment with a two-thirds majority.
Society and Culture[edit | edit source]
The population of the Dominion consists of the descendants of many cultures wrecked by war, as well as many refugees incorporated into the Dominion through humanitarian efforts. As such, there are various different cultures within the empire. One unifying factor is their view of Emperor Malygos as a protector.
Technology and Economy[edit | edit source]
Generally, the Dominion relies on magical technology (Magitek) for the vast majority of applications. Form is as important as function in Dominion design, and ships will often feature ornate decoration and intricate scrollwork.
Military[edit | edit source]
The Dominion has a strong military. The flagship of their fleet is the Bahamut, which possesses an immensely powerful Magitek "Gigaflare" cannon. The most powerful weapon in the Dominion arsenal is the mobile defence station Alexander, which is usually located in orbit of Dominaria, the Dominion homeworld.
Known Ships[edit | edit source]
- The Bahamut (Registry Unknown) - Flagship, Unknown designation
- The Carbuncle (Registry Unknown) - Scout vessel, Unknown designation
- The Emperor's Hand (Registry Unknown) - Flagship, Unknown designation
- The Ravicator (Registry Unknown) - Flagship of the Fleet of Janus, Unknown designation
- The Zodiark (Registry Unknown) - Unknown designation
Characters[edit | edit source]
- Malygos - Emperor of the Dominion.
- Anzu - Husband of Malygos.
- Eos - Son of Malygos and Anzu.
- Lynvara - Daughter of Malygos and Anzu, Head of Research and Development.
- Sumire - Girlfriend of Lynvara.
- Gaius van Baelsar - Grand Admiral.
- Nikolai Solokhoff - Grand Admiral.
- Livia sas Junius - Grand General.