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Byron is a planet known for its Terran geography, diverse population, and penchant for warfare. Divided among various clans, the world is constantly in a state of conflict (at least when compared to other more peaceful and united worlds). This turbulent history has stood out to various intergalactic factions, leading to the clash of interests that is currently at play on Byron. This clash serves as the background of the first arc of BZPB: Unending.
History[edit | edit source]
Many centuries ago, Byron was settled by off-world colonists from various worlds, including sizable human and Tuvar-nloq populations. Though there was some conflict between the colonists and the various indigenous species (some of which had arrived a millennia earlier), they eventually learned to coexist. That said, the colonists and their descendants slowly began to outnumber the native Byronites.
The descendants of the colonists organized themselves into societies ruled by the Five Clans, hereditary rulers whose function was similar to kings and nobles. The peace created by these clans was short-lived, as conflicts broke out between them (and within them). Various wars impacted the development of Byron, as the clans found many reasons to go to war with each other and with the natives. The wars resulted in dramatic border shifts and appalling casualty rates.
The Five Clans then decided to host various mulilateral meetings in an attempt to peacefully resolve disputes. This created a semblance of peace for many decades, but it was only temporary. Some of the clans conspired with one another to pursue their own interests, often betraying each other to get ahead. The most recent manifestation of this climate of mistrust and hatred is the brewing Tesari-Mogoch-tesai conflict.
Despite these horrible histories, Byronites are a proud people who are often involved in intergalactic affairs and commerce. Denizens of the planet often hide their country of origin to avoid conflict, choosing to say that they are Byronites (and not, say, of the Stormen territories).
Clans and Factions[edit | edit source]
The five main clans of Byron are all descendants of families with historical importance to Byron. Three of them are related to the first clans that founded Byron, while the rest are of families that usurped the throne (despite the fact that Byronites have seen many eras of infighting between clans, throughout history only a handful of clans have ever actually been deposed and replaced). Given the makeup of the colonists, the Five Clans themselves are of diverse species.
Clan Mogoch-tesai[edit | edit source]
- Ruler: Zavtich Mogoch-tesai
Clan Mogoch-tesai is one of the oldest clans on Byron, filled with descendants of Tád Mogoch and Máthair Tesai, two of Byron's founders. The family rules over its citizens with an iron fist, acting benevolent ever so often to make sure that the populace (who are unrelated to the clan) remains happy and loyal. All challenges to the ruling elite have been quelled with the utmost efficiency, inspiring rumors that the Mogoch-tesai made a deal with the devil to remain in power.
The clan's territory is bordered by the Tesari in the east, yet another clan in the south, and oceans in the north and west. Its principle wealth is derived from a prominent position in planetary and intergalactic trade due to its metallic and mineral resources, fishing industry, and service-based economy.
Clan Tesari[edit | edit source]
Clan Stormen[edit | edit source]
Minor Clans[edit | edit source]
In addition to the major clans, there are several smaller clans, all nobles and prominent people who came to wealth by other means. They have either sworn loyalty to one of the Five Clans, or have their own minute territories scattered across the planet. Rumors are that some of these minor clans include exiled families.
- The Duchy of Khaledia:
Indigenous Peoples[edit | edit source]
The indigenous populations are ruled by their own smaller governments whose structure varies depending on the species.
- K'thaan: The K'thaan are a reclusive and fiercely territorial race found on various planets. It is believed that they were kidnapped from their homeworld by an empire millennia ago, scattered among the stars. The Byronite K'thaan follow the same traditions as those found in other worlds, covering themselves in elaborate armor to prevent outsides from seeing their true appearance. They have fought many wars with the other natives and with the clans, and are considered to be extremely resourceful and dangerous.
- Dantos Cal/Vyandrir:
Global Byronite Church of St. Joseph[edit | edit source]
The Global Byronite Church of St. Joseph is the largest denomination on the planet, with multitudes of Byronites worshiping at its various cathedrals. The primary chairman of the church, the Apostle of Byron, and its Holy See reside in a small territory located in the planet's southern regions. Seventy years ago, various clans attempted to take over the church to establish legitimacy as the true leaders of Byron. To defend itself, the Church created its own order of warrior-priests, similar to the Knights Templar, to defend its independent lands. It is said that only those with a death wish would dare invade, as such a conflict was resolved quickly once these priests came around.