Alberto was one of the schmucks that SM Abneris recruited into the Argenta Guild along with Hydra, Wilder, and Dougal.
Like the other recruits, Alberto was forced to wear a black Stormtrooper costume to blend in at the Mos Eisley Cantina, which was where SM Abneris planned to do even more recruiting. Not long after they arrived, Alberto pushed his way onto the stage and started playing the drums, but stopped when SM Abneris shouted at him.
When someone tried to attack SM Abneris for supposedly sitting in his seat, Alberto leapt at the chance to defend his boss, picking up a chair and hurling it at the aggressor. Unfortunately, he missed: The chair hit someone else instead, causing a bar brawl to break out. Alberto and the others quickly and quietly snuck out before any of them could get hurt.
As soon as SM Abneris had successfully secured an alliance with SM Treveya, Alberto and the others returned to Amareta's ship to report on the success of their mission.