VI (Virtual Interface)

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Virtual Interface
Holosystems Megacorp, other manufacturers
Consumer Grade implant
 Home Reality 

Virtual Interface or VI is a Consumer Grade electronic implant that allows the user to access a personal computer implant using their brain. The Virtual Interface connects directly to the user's brainwaves, interpreting their thoughts as commands which can then be executed in a variety of ways, for example sending a message, issuing a voice call, opening a door remotely, and countless others.

Most users of the Virtual Interface simply use it as a personal computer, a convenient way of receiving, displaying and sending information. Some users have specialised Virtual Interfaces for their specific needs; for example, projecting blueprints into the mind's eye, or assisting in targeting of weapons systems.

Because of the delicate nature of the Virtual Interface and its proximity to the human brain, there are opportunities for malignant entities to exploit the VI. Virtual Interfaces come in various tiers, with military grade VIs being available through Military Contract with Holosystems Megacorp.