Tablet of Release

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Tablet of Release
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A Tablet of Release was a stone tablet that was distributed to members of the Brotherhood of Makuta to inform them that they had been dismissed from their normal duties.

History[edit | edit source]

In 50,080 CMT,[1] Teridax ordered Sasuken to deliver Tablets of Release to Ynot, Hokagetsu, Trixitin, Asumaru, Kurenitsu, and Sasuken himself to inform them that they had been dismissed from their normal duties. Ynot was confused as to why he received a Tablet of Release because he had completed every task he had been given, so Sasuken clarified that Ynot had received the tablet because Teridax wanted each of the recipients to take a "vacation", after which they would return to the Brotherhood with higher ranks.[2] Sasuken then gathered the other four Makuta and informed them that this "vacation" would be to scout out the newly-discovered island of Shinobi-Nui.[3]

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • The Tablets of Release were presumably inspired by the Tablets of Transit in BIONICLE, which furthers the idea that all of the Brotherhood of Makuta's official documents were inscribed in stone tablets.

References[edit | edit source]

  1. Timeline (revision on 14:02, Jan 06, 2018): "Year 50,080: The Makuta Anima are sent to map the newly discovered island of Shinobi-Nui, and encounter the Toa Idiotas. The BZPower epic Tales of the Makuta Anima, written by User:MakutaYnot, takes place around this time."
  2. Tales of the Makuta Anima | Chapter 1
  3. Tales of the Makuta Anima | Chapter 2