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Chief Warden of Impel Down (formerly)
A large katana
Galactic Government
    Impel Down staff (formerly)
 Home Reality 

Shiryuu was one of the Chief Wardens of Impel Down before Blackout's arrival. His current status following the liberation of the prison is unknown.

Biography[edit | edit source]

Appearance[edit | edit source]

Shiryuu is a gigantic man with sandy blonde hair, a broad nose and chin, a black suit with a long white coat draped over his shoulders, a thick buck cigar constantly lit in his mouth, and a proportionally sized katana at his side.

Personality[edit | edit source]

Unlike the more pacifistic Magellan, Shiryuu is sadistic and out for blood. He believed that the prisoners of Impel Down were no more than trash, and greatly enjoyed killing them when he had the chance. Despite what his violent tendencies would suggest, Shiryuu seems to always be comlpetely calm and cool-headed. His formidable presence and stern demeanour was chiefly why nobody questioned his methods until the bodies started piling up.

History[edit | edit source]

Long ago in Impel Down, there was no Vice Warden. Instead, there were two Chief Wardens: Shiryuu and Magellan. Both were equals in power, but Magellan's working hours were limited by the gastrointestinal aftermaths of his eating of poisonous foods, so Shiryuu was considered much more dangerous.

One day, during one of Magellan's patrols in Level Two, he discovered a grisly sight: Several dismembered, disembowelled or just beheaded prisoners strewn about, laying in pools of blood and guts. As he got deeper, he discovered Shiryuu, blade soaked in the blood of the prisoners. Shiryuu had always been sadistic and believed the prisoners to be no more than trash, but this was simply crossing the line. Shiryuu tried to turn Magellan over to his point of view, but Magellan refused and engaged him in battle. Shiryuu was defeated and sentenced to death in Impel Down, but given a postponed sentence so that he could rot indefinitely until the Galactic Government decided that the execution of a vicious criminal would boost their popularity. He was imprisoned in Level Six.

Several years later, just before Blackout attacked the prison, somebody gave Shiryuu a warning and instructions on how to escape. If one were to thoroughly examine Level Six, they would find that no significant residues of living creatures are left for all of those prisoners thought to have been killed -- Essentially, that kind of blast in such close proximity would have fossilized them.

Since his escape, Shiryuu has killed again. His murders attracted the attention of Zev Raregroove, who considered going after Shiryuu and apprehending him himself, but nothing came of this. Since it has been many years since one of Shiryuu's kills has received widespread attention, it is possible that he has stopped killing, or more likely, was arrested and subjected to capital punishment. However, his true status remains unknown.

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • In Japanese, Shiryuu's name is シリュウ (Shiryū). The given English translation is Shiliew, though it could also be interpreted as Shiryuu.

External Links[edit | edit source]