O-Hai Mk.II

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O-Hai Mk.II
General Information
Status Information
Erased from existence
Home Reality

In the Dark Universe (Sefer Timeline), the O-Hai Mk.II was Thomas Wiseau's personal spaceship and the flagship of his fleet.

History[edit | edit source]

In 7108 ADP, Thomas Wiseau arrived on Tybion Primaris in the O-Hai Mk.II as part of a massive alliance that had gathered for an all-out assault on the heart of the Ta'har-Makuta Empire. Sefer Yetzirah recognized the O-Hai Mk.II and was enraged by its presence. Not even an hour later, this version of the O-Hai Mk.II was erased from existence when the Wanderer used the Revision Blade to reset the timeline of the Dark Universe.[1]

References[edit | edit source]