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Cousin: Hungry-man
A club[1]
 Home Reality 
"Roc, I'm quite full."

Full-man was the cousin of Hungry-man. His manner of speech was similar to Hungry-man's, but he seemed to have no desire to eat at all and he substituted the word "cor" for "roc".

History[edit | edit source]

In 150,082 CMT, Full-man burst into the Fresh Prince of Fresh Fruit's house on the Stouttish Islands and announced that he was full, much to the annoyance of Dr. Hax.[2]

Later, Yon handed Full-man an invitation to his birthday party.[3] Full-man thanked Yon, saying "Roc, yes!".[4]

Full-man was still in the Fresh Prince of Fresh Fruit's house when Shockwave appeared with the X-Yen and ordered them to attack so that he could observe their fighting capabilities.[5] In the battle that followed, Full-man ran in fear,[6] but Shockwave fired a missile at him[7] that blasted him out of the house, sending him flying into a Happy Person Wearing a Red Shirt. Full-man apologized to the Happy Person and fled.[8]

In 150,084 CMT, Full-man was once again seen on the Stouttish Islands. He walked past McYonalds, but decided that he could not eat there because he was full.[9]

Full-man was one of the many characters who visited Kartouche's Moosical Extravaganza on Tybion later that year. He was part of the crowd that fled onto Hungry-man's log cabin ship when the venue was stormed by an army of enraged Ta'har. The Ta'har boarded the log cabin as it took off from the planet, so the crowd of former concert attendees were forced to defend themselves in a battle that became known as the Battle of the Log Cabin.[10] Full-man beat some of the enemy Ta'har with a club in this battle.[1] When the Ta'har forces were whittled down to around 30,[11] Caged Pills suggested to Full-man that they make "one last charge", to which he enthusiastically agreed.[12]

The engines of the log cabin ship were later sabotaged by Juan Avem, which caused the ship to teleport to Meme World and crash into its surface. Full-man survived the crash and was one of the Meme World inhabitants who Ade asked to help her turn the tide of the Terugan Civil War. Full-man agreed to sign up for the mission so that he would have an opportunity to return home once the mission had been completed.[13]

References[edit | edit source]