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DAL, short for "Delete All Life", is the name given to a malicious and extremely destructive artificial intelligence created by Naju. Its central processing unit is located under the surface of the planet Tasabian.

It has been known to replicate itself and evolve into many forms, one of which is Advanced Dal.

The first recorded successful attempt to integrate the DAL software into an already operational weapons system occurred at Side 8. John Shepard, arguably the only man with enough balls to even attempt such a thing, managed to fuse Moon-Ship technology, DAL, and a human component in the form of Feldt Grace together to create a mechanical behemoth of ultimate and unending pain. It was destroyed as a result of a factor that was unaccounted for in its creation - the appearance of User Zev, who saved Feldt from the artificial personality controlling her and convinced her to set off Side 8's self-destruct.

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • DAL was created during the days where KoN and JS would make RPG characters from random everyday objects out of boredom. DAL, and its "advanced" form, got their names from a calculator they had in maths class.