Archives (SMU)

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The subject of this article appeared in content that was lost in the Great Dataclysm or subsequent server crashes. However, the events of those posts and stories are still considered canon and should be added regardless. Add what you remember!
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Home Reality

In the Shattered Mirror Universe, the Archives was an underground museum complex located in Metru Nui.

History[edit | edit source]

After its creation at the hands of Okk, the Shattered Mirror somehow ended up in the Archives of Metru Nui. Some time after the Brotherhood of Makuta discovered the device, its leader, Kakamu,[1] and an ally of his named Ta'harok[2] passed into it and disappeared. When Kakamu's second-in-command, Ynot, learned of what had happened to him, he ordered that the Shattered Mirror be transported to Destral for study.[1]

The Archives were presumably eventually destroyed along with the rest of the Matoran Universe.[1]

References[edit | edit source]

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Ynot (SMU) (revision on 15:53, Feb 21, 2012): "One day, Kakamu was gone. As it turned out, he had passed through something known as "The Shattered Mirror", which had been found deep inside the Metru Nui Archives. Wishing to study it further, [SMY] brought it to Destral, where he discovered that it had taken [SMK] to another world. [...] Shika then arrived, and made a wager that would involve [SMY] and Blackout killing the normalverse Ynot within one week. [...] They failed, miserably. Unfortunatly, the prize for the victor (the MU), was destroyed in the process, so nothing came about except this Ynot's death."
  2. Shattered Mirror (revision on 18:35, Feb 18, 2012): "The Shattered Mirror Universe versions of Ta'harok and Kakamu are known to have had emerged from in on the planet Chenrotoss."

External Links[edit | edit source]